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Human Resource Management

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PTU university mba Human Resource Management SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS


Product Details: PTU university mba Human Resource Management SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS



Edition Description2019-20





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Human Resource Management  

Course Objective: The objective of the paper is to make student aware of the various
functions and importance of HR department in any organization. It is basically
concerned with managing the human resources, whereby the underlying objective is to
attract retain and motivate the human resources in any organization.
Unit I
Human Resource Management (HRM): 
Nature, Scope, Objectives and functions of
HRM. Evolution of HRM, HR as a factor of competitive advantage. Organization of
HR department, Line ad staff responsibility of HR managers, competencies of HR
Manager. Personnel Policies and Principles. 
Strategic HRM: Introduction, Integrating
HR strategy with Business Strategy, Difference between SHRM and HRM. HRM
Environment and Environment Scanning. 
Human Resource Planning: Meaning,
Process and importance, factors affecting Human Resource Planning. 
Job Analysis:
Process, methods of Job Description & Job Specification.
Unit 2
Recruitment & Selection
: Meaning & Concept, Process & Methods Recruitment &
Selection, Induction & Placement. 
Training & Development: Meaning & Concept of
Training & Development, Methods of Training & Development, Evaluating training
effectiveness. HRM vs. HRD. 
Career Planning & Development: concept of career,
career planning, career development, process of career planning and development,
factors affecting career choices, responsibilities of Employers / managers, organization
and employees in career planning and development, career counseling. 
: Promotion, Transfer, Demotion, Separation, downsizing and outplacement.
Unit 3
Performance Appraisal
: Meaning & Concept of Performance Appraisal, Methods &
Process of Performance Appraisal, Issues in Performance Appraisal, Potential
Compensation Management- Concept and elements of compensation, Job
evaluation, Wage / Salary fixation, Incentives Plans & Fringe Benefits. 
Quality of
work life (QWL)
: Meaning, Concept, Techniques to improve QWL. Health, Safety &
Employee Welfare, Social Security. 
Quality Circles: Concept, Structure, Role of
Management, QCs in India.
Unit 4
Industrial Relations: 
Government’s concerns, Union’s concerns, Management
concerns; Approaches of IR; Dispute Resolution Machinery. 
Collective Bargaining:
Meaning, Scope, Objectives, Issues and Strategies, steps of collective bargaining,
negotiation skills. Participative Management, Grievance Handling, Disciplining and
Counseling of employees, HRIS, HR Audit. Ethical Issues in HRM. Human Resource
Management practices in India.

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