Operations Projects

Operations project from any company in india or outside india
Concepts and Techniques related to materials management
Concepts and Techniques related to materials management
Computer and Quantitative models used in formulating managerial problems.
Computer and Quantitative models used in formulating managerial problems
Concepts and Techniques of Value Analysis to effectively control costs.
Concepts and Techniques of Value Analysis to effectively control costs
Application of Quantitative Analysis and Computers for managerial decision making in operations problems
Application of Quantitative Analysis and Computers for managerial decision making in operations problems
A study on tools and techniques (e.g., CPM and PERT) developed to aid the planning, scheduling, and control of projects.
A study on tools and techniques (e.g., CPM and PERT) developed to aid the planning, scheduling, and control of projects
Quality issues related to enhancing customer satisfaction (both internal and external) to ensure long-term customer loyalty.
Quality issues related to enhancing customer satisfaction (both internal and external) to ensure long-term customer loyalty
Studies and conclusions of McGregor, Maslow, Herzburg, Likert, Aggyris, and Blake on Operations Management Behavioral Science.
Studies and conclusions of McGregor, Maslow, Herzburg, Likert, Aggyris, and Blake on Operations Management Behavioral Science