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LIS16108 Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials

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LIS16108 Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS 


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Edition Description2018-19





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– LIS16108
Preservation and conservation of library Materials- Various conservation methods used in
libraries, preservation and conservation, need for preservation of library resources,
librarian’s responsibility, strategies for preservation, factors of deterioration of library
materials, environmental factors, biological factors, chemical factors, human factors,
preventive measures for the factors of deterioration.MASTER OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCES
Paper Documents, Physical Elements of a Book and conserving Non-Book MaterialIntroduction, Composition, ingredients, processing of raw materials, handmade paper,
machine made paper, modern papers, special kinds of paper, durability of paper.
Physical elements of a book - inks, modern inks, boards, adhesives, characteristics of PVA
Adhesives, sewing materials, miscellaneous material, sound discs, magnetic media.
Conserving non-book materials - introduction, maps, paintings, photographic materials,
slides, image, microforms, sound recordings, compact disks, optical disks, newspapers,
preservation of audio, magneto-optical disks, data storage technology.
Deterioration of library materials and their enemies- Deterioration and its reasons -
Introduction, external causes, physical deterioration, temperature and relative humidity,
aging, heat, light, darkness, moisture, chemical deterioration, acid, harmful agents, foxing,
atmospheric pollution, dust and dirt, action of inks, effect of printing, human factors.
Enemies of library materials - Introduction, Agents of biodeterioration, microbiological
agents, insects, cockroaches (Blatta-Orientalis, silver fish (Lapisma Saccharina), Firebrats,
Termites (White-ants), Book lice, bookworm (Coleoptera), moths, rodents, human beings.
Conservation techniques for paper and books- Techniques of paper conservation -
Introduction, an overview of western and Japanese paper, characteristics of western papers,
watermarks, wove paper, machine made paper. Characteristics of Japanese paper - testing
paper for grain direction, testing pH, photographs. Supplies and equipments needed for
paper repairs - adhesives, white glues, glue sticks, rubber cement, methylcellulose.
Preparing materials - staples, rubber bands, other fasteners, brittle paper, removing debris
from the gutter of a book, humidifying folded or rolled documents, flattening and drying
station, avoiding tide lines, paper repair techniques, tipping pages. Conservation techniques
for books - Introduction, brief review of bookbinding structure and terminology, techniques
for handling books, opening a book, supporting fragile books, Packing and moving books,
supplies and equipment needed for book repairs, western and Japanese papers. Book repair
techniques - reattaching loose plates, inserting guarded leaves, tipping in guarded leaves,
hinging in guarded leaves, sewing leaves together, attaching the signature to the book, board
sheet replacement, basic pocket, pocket with gussets, method of application, making a
hollow tube, attaching the tube, putting down the flapping spine, variation: Attaching the
repair cloth over the old cloth. Repairs to the text block and the case - using a tube to repair
a broken hinge, using a spine lining to repair a broken hinge, using a spine lining and a tube
to repair a broken hinge, preparing the Text Block, preparing the case, replacing a torn spine
strip, joining the case and Text Block, consolidating the Text Block using a tube,
consolidating the text block using a cloth lining, making a tube, preparing a new cloth spine,
attaching the new spine, making the turn-ins, reattaching the original spine, variation: lifting
the old cloth, variation: attaching the new spine, preparing the text block, repairing the case,
preparing a new cloth spine, attaching the boards to the new spine, joining the repaired case
to the text block, reattaching the old spine. Pamphlets - preparing the pamphlet, buffered
barrier sheet, sewing the pamphlet into a binder. Children’s Books - multi-section.
Control of deterioration and rehabilitation of documents- Preventive measures and
Housekeeping, introduction, environment control, central air-conditioning, housekeeping,
grammexine powder, microbiological agents and their control, pest control. Rehabilitation
of documents - introduction, cleaning and sterilization, removal of stains, other stains,
fumigation, thymol fumigation, fumigation with formaldehyde, fumigation with ethylene
dichloride and carbon tetrachloride, fumigation with para-dichlorobenzene, fumigation with
killoptera, fumigation with ethylene and carbon, vacuum fumigation, other fumigants.
Deacidification - the use of two solutions, calcium hydroxide, calcium and magnesium
carbonates, the use of a single solution, deacidification by spraying, lime w

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